
Porcelain Veneers

To fit porcelain veneers, a dentist will first remove some enamel and take an impression of the teeth to create a mold.

After this initial visit, they will send the mold to a laboratory that fabricates the custom-fit porcelain veneers. The dentist may place temporary veneers on the teeth while a person waits for the laboratory to make the permanent ones.

At the next appointment, the dentist will test whether the veneers fit and are a good color, and they will make any adjustments as needed. Then, the dentist will bond the veneers to the teeth.

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The dentist may also advise against:

  • biting hard objects
  • biting the nails
  • using a mouthguard
  • grinding the teeth
  • chewing very hard foods
  • opening items with the teeth

Resin-based Composite Veneers

To fit resin-based composite veneers, the dentist will start by cleaning, reshaping, and preparing the teeth. After they prepare the teeth, they will bond and sculpt the composite material, adjusting the color so that the veneers look natural in the person’s mouth.

Then, the dentist will use a light to dry and harden the composite material. Once the veneers have hardened, the dentist will smooth and polish them so that they look and feel like real teeth.

That said, because veneers may stain over time, a person may want to avoid coffee, tea, and red wine, as well as other things that can cause stained teeth, to make them last longer.